Cisko packaged Drinking Water a new brand of packaged drinking water from Kerala Cisko is the safest way to drink pure water. Water is essential and portable water is even more so. No other natural resource has such an overwhelming influence on mankind. The right for safe and pure drinking water is fundamental. Even in Kerala, a land blessed with abundant water bodies, drinking water faces serious threat. Water Resource Department is very much concerned about the quality of water and emphasizes that water given to people should meet high requirement of modern hygiene and it must be free from toxic substances and pathogenic organisms. A large number of infectious diseases are the result of contaminated water. The obvious solution for the problems of water is to control the impurity at the source where it is manufactured or used before it gets contaminated. Here comes the relevance of packaged drinking water. Packaged drinking water is a thriving industry with huge potential.
For Your Healthy Life
To make our products available in all major towns of all the districts of Kerala State and ensure the cent percent availability of stocks any time any day.
To commit towards substantial and sustained growth of existing product and diversified product of Food & Beverages giving equal importance to the welfare of Human Resources.
To provide the public with high quality drinking water that conforms to the stringent specifications .
Cisko Provide friendly and punctual service that right place on right time.
We dont pay any hidden charges.
We endeavor to supply drinking water with near zero bacteriological level, sparkling “whiteness” and natural sweetness.
Behind Our Company
Our Company Director whose primary Responsibilities usually include making major responsibilities and Decisions of company and Resources.
Company director who is Major part of our company.his hard work and inventions are great part of our growing business.
Cisko's Managing Director..his dedication, reasonable care, skill and diligence are the major factor of our company success.
One of our Designated Partner of Cisko.Behind our company Success,her dedication,skill,invention are also major factors.